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Nonweiler Associates. Making technology useful.
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While the design and efficiency of your website is important, the content and imagery is what the visitor has arrived at your site to read and act upon.

So with each website we provide all the tools needed to ensure your site's content can be easily entered, maintained, found and promoted.

Delivering your message across all channels

With full text editing and image manipulation capabilities our intuitive content management systems allow the maintenance of the entire website, with special areas devoted to assisting with search engine optimisation.

Then, using the same back office systems, you can stay in contact with your visitors and customers through the generation and production of mixed media marketing campaigns including opt-in mass mailing.

These same campaigns can then automatically feed in to social media channels to compliment and garner further interest or they can be used as part of other offline media campaigns.

The measure of success

Measuring the success of a campaign is where our Web Analytics kick in, recording all the activity on your site then presenting that in both statistical and graphical reports.

Knowing what your visitors do both before and after they arrive at your site lets you better understand what content you should enter, what products are popular and the demographic audience you should be appealing to.

"presented with the facts you can focus in on what's performing best for you and what content or product is popular"
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